Off-Site Auctions:
Online Only Auctions. Online auctions may have a "Soft Close", meaning all auctions may have a staggered ending and may extend for a short period (2 minutes) when bidding is occuring within the last few moments, a "Hard Close", meaning all auction lots will end at the same time, or if a Live Audience is in attendance, lot bidding will end when the auctioneer acknowleges the highest bid whether Online or in the Live Audience. Winning bidders must pick up won items at the Off-Site location. Some Off-Site Auctions may offer shipping to winning bidders for a nominal fee. View the Auction Description for all details.
Live Auctions Have Been Postponed Until Further Notice:
The public is invited to attend our facility and participate in competing against other bidders in attendance. To bid at a live event, you will need to check in at our service counter with a valid state issued ID and register for a bid card from one our friendly staff members. Bidders are encouraged to register during the preview period prior to the auction so you will not miss the chance to bid on any of our great items, but registration can take place any time prior to the end of the auction. If you don't have a bidder card, you cannot bid. If you cannot attend the live auction but want to bid on an item you have seen in the catalog, you can place an absentee bid via telephone prior to the auction start time. Phone bidding is also accepted during the auction, but we have a limited number of phone lines available. Some "Live Auctions" may also have live Online bidding available during the sale. View the Auction Description for all details.
Online Auctions:
Auctions with Online bidding, though some may have a Live Audience attending and bidding as well. Online auctions may have a "Soft Close", meaning all auctions may have a staggered ending and may extend for a short period when bidding is occurring within the last few moments, a "Hard Close", meaning all auction lots will end at the same time, or if a Live Audience is in attendance, lot bidding will end when the auctioneer acknowledges the highest bid whether Online or in the Live Audience. Some Online Auctions may offer shipping to winning bidders for a nominal fee. View the Auction Description for all details.